
This website was created by Australian and New Zealander women with Asherman Syndrome.

Our purpose is to raise awareness about the condition, particularly amongst the medical community.

The site also contains information which may assist women who have, or suspect they may have, Asherman Syndrome.

To see more about our advocacy efforts, check out our new Facebook page

Petition RANZCOG to review outdated guidelines

Your support will compel RANZCOG to prioritise the latest medical research and update their guidelines accordingly.

Sign the petition

Women's group campaigns for changes to how D&C surgery is handled, November 2023

A grassroots group of women are campaigning for doctors to change medical practices to reduce the number of Asherman's syndrome cases.

Read the article at ABC News

Asherman Syndrome on ABC News, April 2023

Asherman's syndrome can affect fertility. But many women say they struggled to get diagnosed.

Read the article at ABC News

Asherman Syndrome on ABC Radio AM, November 2022

Listen to Kim Harvey, Professor Thierry Vancaillie, Gynaecologist and Naomi Cate speak about Asherman Syndrome on ABC Radio AM.

Listen to the segment